Petrographic thin sections. our turnaround times cant be beat.
Petrographic thin sections. our turnaround times cant be beat.
standard petrographic thin section hand ground to 30 microns, finished with a 600 mesh grit from precut billet. Add $5 for us to cut it down from hand sample, $15 for your oversized samples.
we can add a directional orientation to your slide.
coverslips are mounted with a permanent medium.
polished thin section. ground to 30 microns. finished to .25 micron alumina polish.
2x3 inch slides. finished to 30 microns. add $4.00 for coverslips.
we can polish oversized thin sections. call for pricing
We offer a wide variety of stains
Staining for carbonates with alzirin red.
finished to your specifications, doubly polished and removeable from the slide
left 15 mm thick and highly polished, great for reflected light and cathodluminence work.
we use a variety of terchniques for impregnation. including vacuum impregnation
used to consolidate loose sands and drill chips
We have a wide variety of samples from known localities great for reference and teaching. They come standard with cover slips. $28