Petrographic thin sections. our turnaround times cant be beat.
Petrographic thin sections. our turnaround times cant be beat.
1. ANDESITE Steins Pass, NM Laramide flow
2. ANORTHOSITE white course grained plagioclase MT.
3. APALITE fine pink CO
4. BASALT olivine, La Bajada Hill NM Quarternary
5. BASALT scoriaceous NM recent flow
6. BRECCIA volcanic light grey CO.
7. BRECCIA marble variegated, Italy
8. BRECCIA sedimentary CA.
9. BRECCIA andesite grey CO.
10. BRECCIA chert in silica dolomite matrix
11. BRECCIA basalt lane county OR.
12. BRECCIA volcanic LA county CA.
13. BRECCIA chert marble excellent pink and black contrast
14. BRECCIA fluorite quartz Zuni Mt. NM.
15. BRECCIA light grey chert in dark grey matrix OK.
16. BRECCIA volcanic Alboroto gp Miocene CO.
17. CHARNOKITE course with pyroxene, ilmenite plagioclase and potassium feldspar,
18. CHERT grey brown conchoidal fracture Cretaceous TX.
19. CONGLOMERATE polymictic 1/2” pebbles quartz fluorite limestone
21. CONGLOMERATE quartz Tertiary Ogallala fm NM.
22. CONGLOMERATE red jasper grey matrix SD.
23. Conglomerate arkosic large pebbles granite in sandstone
24. CONGLOMERATE quartz San Diego county CA
25. CORDIERITE hornsfels MT.
27. DIABASE course grained excellent black pyroxenes Needles CA.
28. DIOPSIDE assorted
29. DIORITE grey hornblende and biotite CA.
30. DOLOMITE variegated “Kona” dolomite MI
31. DOLOMITE Ellenberger gp grey to purplish medium grain TX.
32. DUNITE dense granular olivine/chromite NC.
33. ECOLGITE massive, garnet and chlorite CA
34. EPIDOTITE Pewabic mine NM.
35. GABBRO orbicular pyroxene, plagioclase in fine grained matrix NC.
36. GNEISS augen gneiss, white augen in biotite gneiss ID.
37. GNEISS sillimanite garnet gneiss NY
38. GN EISS augen gneiss pink and grey banded good augen NY.
39. GRANITE grey muscovite and biotite MT.
40. GRANITE hypersthene with garnet India
41. GRANITE biotite medium grey VT.
43. LATITE ignimbrite quartz latite NM sugarlump tuff
44. LATITE fine grained grey weathered NM.
45. LIMESTONE fossiliferous Cretaceous molds TX.
46. LIMESTONE shell buff Austin marble TX
47. LIMESTONE “shelly” pearly shell NY
48. LIMESTONE dolomitic NM.
49. LIMESTONE calcarenite course grained crinoid frags
50. LIMESTONE interclast diverse bioclasts NC.
51. LIMESTONE coquina NC
52. LIMESTONE fossiliferous bivalves in fine matrix VI.
53. LIMESTONE red wall Yavapia county AZ.
54. LIMESTONE encrinal grey NY.
55. LIMESTONE birdseye grey NY.
56. LIMESTONE oolitic IN.
57. LIMESTONE lithographic Barvaria
58. MARBLE fine grained with graphite NJ.
59. MARBLE dolomite Precambrian medium grain TX
60. MARBLE calcite course grained NM
61. MARBLE dolomite grey NY
62. MONZONITE porphyry
63. NORITE green pyroxene and plagioclase Canada
64. PERPDOTITE mica grey OR
65. PHONOLITE leucite “ordenite” phlogopite WY
66. PUMICE light grey UT
67. RHYOLITE common
68. SANDSTONE ferruginous NY
69. SANDSTONE brown tick canyon CA
70. SANDSTONE asphaltic Triassic Santa Rosa Ss
71. SANDSTONE argillaceous light grey NY
72. SANDSTONE brea pitt OH
73. SANDSTONE ferruginous OH
74. SANDSTONE orthoquartzite Dakota Ss
75. SANDSTONE glauconitic Cambrian Nm
76. SANDSTONE banded Permian Glorieta Ss NM
77. SANDSTONE ferruginous OH
78. SANDSTONE orthoquartzite Dakota Ss
79. SANDSTONE glauconitic Cambrian NM
80. SANDSTONE orthoquartzite Cambrian Lyon Ss Co.
81. SANDSTONE micaceous sub grey wacke banded NM
82. SANDSTONE banded buffalo gap fm SD.
83. SANDSTONE siliceous friable MO.
84. SANDSTONE arkose mount Tom
85. SANDSTONE coquina FL
86. SANDSTONE bituminous CA
87. SCHIST tremolite chlorite Precambrian
88. SCHIST garnetiferous mica schist kyanite VT
89. SCHIST pink muscovite piedmont Ortega quartzite NM
90. SHALE oil shale (not fissle) eocene green river fm CO
91. SHALE bright angel AZ
92. SHALE ferruginous red PA
93. SHALE black cretaceous fossiliferous Mancos shale CO
94. SHALE arenaceous dark grey NY
95. SHALE grey fossiliferous red tanks fm
98. SILTSTONE fine grained with minor dendritic patterns
99. SILTSTONE Permian Yeso fm
100. SKARN cordierite anthophyllite grey CO
101. SLATE common
102. SYENITE nepheline syenite Keene quarry Ontario
103. TRACHYETE Porphry light grey CO
104. TUFF rhyolitic MT
105. TUFF welded CA